Chapter Books - Roxie and the Hooligans

Although it has been out for a number of months now, I finally had the chance to read Roxie and the Hooligans. How enjoyable and fun can a book get! Naylor has really put the adventure into dealing with bullies. Roxie is an explorer at heart, but can’t seem to defend herself against the school bullies that taunt her everyday. Although she is the niece of famed Lord Thistlebottom’s associate Mr. Dangerfoot, Roxie struggles with finding her courage. One morning when she arrives early to school to avoid the “hooligans” she finds the school isn’t open and the “hooligans” have come early as well to torture her with eggs and boys underwear. While trying to escape them, she and the bullies end up in the dumpster, hulled away, and deposited on a sea barge. As they are dumped at sea, they spot a nearby island and from there the real adventure begins. Facing the wrath of the four bullies and now two hiding bank robbers in a murderous mood, Roxie finds her knowledge in survival skills will not only help them survive, but win over the hearts of her school adversaries. While facing the island’s escapades Roxie realizes she may not be a world explorer, but she has the courage and know how to take care of herself. In addition, while the bullies question whether they are missed at all, Roxie finds comfort in knowing she is sure she is missed and loved for who she is. Naylor also adds some whimsical fun to the story with the various names of the characters and towns. Good choice for ages 8 and up.
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