Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Picture Books - I Knew You Could

I Knew You Could by Craig Dorfman 2003

Did I mention I come from a "bookish" family? As a graduation gift for receiving my master's a few years back my sister-in-law gave me this book, I Knew You Could. It sort of picks up where the "I think I can" little engine leaves off and is a part of that series. The subtitle on the book says "A Book for All the Stops in Your Life". It really is a book that encourages and one that reminds us that each next "stop" or as I like to call them "chapters" of your life begins with making a choice. It really is a good book to share with any age from Kindergarten through adulthood. The book jacket markets itself as an inspiration to "graduates of all ages". However, I have to admit I think I definitely appreciate the words of wisdom and life connections better than say a six year old would. But, that is not to say this book should not be shared with the younger crowd.

I think it is one that we could use all through are lives, but for those on the younger side I would recommend it being read together with a parent or grandparent. The story provides a number of opportunities to share insight and encouragement with a child. Plus, I really do not think it is a book they would enjoy without some read along time. Also, the artwork is fine, but it doesn't have a "pick me up" and read me or check me out look to it. Here's another thought. I think some children's books make great adult books and this is one of them. So, don't get hung up on a classification title, we all need to feed our "inner" child. And, another thought (no surprise) children's literature is generally not written in a dumbing down style, but usually in a clear precise tone without all that running around convoluted excess baggage mannerism.



Blogger Lost A Sock said...

Aww very nice. I've never seen this one. I will have to look for it. :0)

10:21 PM  
Blogger Frema said...

I agree. Children's books are pretty smart, for a person of any age.

9:25 AM  

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