Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Board Books - It's a good Thing!

Ah, board books! Don’t you just love these types of books!? Well, at first I wasn’t a big fan. I must admit I was swayed by others thinking and didn’t do my own thinking. Plus, I lacked experience with them, as we really don’t carry this type of book in the elementary (K – 5) library setting. Unfortunately, I went into parenting with a slanted view thinking these books were really only for babies and many were just used to teeth on. I am happy to say that I have now truly experienced board books and have seen what great joy they can bring to little ones.

We have had board books since the wee one was born and have found most of them to be a delight. Many of the books we started with were the basic infant books with simple pictures, words, shapes, numbers, etc. Then about a year ago we added board books with more depth to them. It was then I noticed a number of picture books were being re-released into board book format and I wondered is this really appropriate for the toddler age group. Of course, my ignorance and lack of experience were definitely doing the thinking and speaking here.

Although my wee one enjoyed looking at picture books and their stories as with most her age group it can be difficult at times to turn those slippery pages. Now the board book pages at times can be difficult to turn as well, but they at least hold up to the try, try again mantra that wee ones everywhere attempt when turning pages. We have found that she really loves all her books, but I am so grateful that board books come in more complex stories than they use to.

Recent finds at the library and local bookstore have included:
1. Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar (which is great considered the pages are odd sized)
2. Alyssa Satin Capucilli Illustrated by Henry Cole Katy Duck (looks to be the start of a series)
3. Amy Hest & illstrated by Anita Jeram Kiss Good Night
4. Susan Boynton’s The Barnyard Dance
5. Jany Yolen & illustrated by Mark Teague How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends

These are just a few of the great books available in board book format. They are also really a good size and strength for special needs children. Any of these authors are great to checkout and they have a number of stories in board book format. Don't limit these books to just the toddler and under set you would be surprised at the reception the pre-k and bit older set would give them.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jumpstart’s Read for the Record

What a fabulous day we had here. Everywhere we went there was a reading going on to support Jumpstart’s Read for the Record. We thought we might miss it because of a trip to The Children’s Museum today, but even there we found they were also reading on every floor The Story of Ferdinand. The library system here was sponsoring the readings at all of its 22 branches and also giving away a copy of the book to all the participants today just like the museum was.

However, I must say for the record we officially did not participate due to the wee one’s total dislike of the first gentleman with a beard that approached her with an invitation to join the group. Now, you really need to first know that the wee one loves and I mean really loves to have books read to her and “reads” them herself. But, the catch here was she truly and I mean truly dislikes beards. Once the first gentleman invited her she was so adamant about not being a part of this that when the second gentleman who also sported a beard invited her I thought we might have to put her in padded room. After visiting another museum display we passed another Jumpstart reading area and they were so sweet to even just offer her the book without participating. Alas, she said in a very stern 2 year old voice “no thank you” and promptly took the book walked over to the partitioned area and laid the book back on the stack and said “no thank you" again. I was then dragged by the hand to another part of the floor. At least she has manners.

Well, we here do our best to also foster and support any and all early reading programs and hope that if you didn’t get to participate today that you have found another way to encourage and inspire our youth to enjoy a good book


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Picture Books - All Afloat on Noah's Boat!

It has been almost two weeks of illness chaos for us here, but mostly me. Fortunately for us the last visit we made to the library provided some really good reads. The wee one is having such a good time with the treasure trove of books we borrowed. One of my favorites has to be All Afloat on Noah's Boat! by Tony Mitton and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees 2007. We’ve all heard the tale of Noah and his ark, but did you ever wonder how all the animals got along while hold up together for a really, really long time in an ark? Well, Mitton does a great job in putting an imaginative spin on how Noah kept the animals from getting too restless. From the building until dry land Mitton keeps the text flowing with humor and rhyme and keeps the listener engaged. The illustrations are comical and colorful. It’s wonderful book for preschool and up.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Picture Books - Millie Waits for the Mail

Millie Waits for the Mail by Alexander Steffensmeier 2007.

What a hysterically funny book or at least I thought so and so does the wee one. Nothing like having a stealth like cow conducting covert operations against the mailman. Millie is a cow on a mission and that is to spend everyday scaring and chasing the mailman. The artwork depicting Millie’s hiding places are very humorous. Originally published in German the translation and appeal to an American audience makes a pretty good transition. An explanation about the differences between the appearances in postal dress and delivery methods may be needed for some little ones. This makes for a good pre-school and up read.
