A Few Book Review Resources
BookPage.com Besides being able to pick this newspaper up free from libraries and other places, it includes at least one interview each month with a children's author. It doesn't include every book being published for the month, but does highlight a number of them and from various genres. Oh, if you can't find it laying around to read, take a look at the website.
ALA/Booklist This link will take you to an index page where you can select from a variety of options on non-fiction books. Check this link out for

a book that my daughter really likes. It includes full page pictures of animals found near ponds and rivers along with short text about them. There are a number of really good non-fiction books that you will find kids like. Remember to browse the "dreaded" Dewey children's section of the library.
Kirkus Reviews Here you can get a preview of the latest children's books published and see a bit of the review. For the full review you will need to have a subscribtion. However, like other publication reviews, the information is usually available somewhere else for free.
Amazon.com As you probably already know or do, if you have a title that you are interested in, check it out on Amazon. There you will usually find at least a reveiw by the Amazon people and a trade publication such as Publisher's Weekly. Many times you will also find an individual has posted their opinions based on their experience with the book. Sometimes these are helpful and other times just bunk.

Have a fun time in the stacks.
Did I miss the comment section before?
I remember you reading the book about animal babies to your sweet daughter, and she was indeed interested.
Yes and no. I have been fooling around with the comment section trying to see which option I like best. Plus, I have been a bit nervous about comments, as I have a very fragile ego. Thanks for checking the blog.
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