Booklists for middle graders with reading difficulties
If you are looking for some books that would appeal to older readers of grades 4 through 8 that have difficulty with reading, then check out Multnomah County Library’s list of Shorter Books for Taller Readers 4th-5th Grade and Shorter Books for Taller Readers 5th-8th Grade. Many of the books included in the list are also good for that not-so-interested-in-reading of the same age group, but would like a quick read which is geared toward their social or interest level.
The lists include a wide variety of selections such as:
Salt In His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream by Jordan
How to Eat Fried Worms by Rockwell
The Rope Trick by Alexander
There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Sachar
The Paper Doorway: Funny Verse And Nothing Worse by Koontz
Define "Normal": A Novel by Peters

Nice tip. This is one group of readers that we cannot allow to slip through the cracks.
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