Saturday, December 16, 2006

Chapter Books - Pride and Prejudice

Ah! One of my favorite books was authored by the English writer Jane Austen, who happens to have been born today December 16, 1775. So, I say celebrate by reading one of her many wonderful novels. My personal favorite is Pride and Prejudice although Sense and Sensibility is a close second. Pride and Prejudice is unique to me in that it is considered a children’s classic, but is also widely enjoyed by adults. For me I would group this book with titles such as Little Women or Wuthering Heights, but I didn’t really have any interest in it until adulthood.

Although I have always considered Little Women to be more of a traditional children’s classic I tend to think books by Austen and even Bronte more in terms of young adult and up. So, when I see them on the shelves in the juvenile section of the library and bookstores, I am reminded these are good options for those more mature middle grade readers. Plus, it reminds me of a very advanced student I once worked with who was in the fourth grade and had just finished Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. She had asked me for some other works of similar quality, but for some reason I hadn’t thought of Austen (nor had I read Tolstoy). Suggest away to all those seeking a good book or author.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read Pride and Prejudice every year or so, too. It never gets old. Somehow, even the suspense of Elizabeth and Darcy remains for me, even though I know practically word for word how it ends. Amazing stuff!

8:44 PM  
Blogger Frema said...

I love Pride and Prejudice, too!

11:24 AM  
Blogger Josette said...

Hi, I like the story of Pride & Prejudice, too but the unabridged version was really long and lengthy. And yes, classics are must-read books. They should not be given a miss!
My favourite classic is Jane Eyre.

4:43 AM  

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