Recommending children's books and other resources for babies through 6th grade and occasionally just stuff.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Just butterflies.....
Haven't had a chance to write anything witty, serious, boring, or otherwise today, but I thought I would share a few photos I took at a butterfly exhibit last weekend. These are from a conservatory nearby that provides the opportunity to walk around a botanical area where hundreds of butterflies are maintained for the season until it is time for them to migrate. We took the wee one who probably didn't enjoy it as much as I did. My favorite...well they all were, but the brown/blue is the most unique I think. It is the first picture. Sorry, I haven't looked up all the names, yet. It is brown on the underside wing and blue on the outer wing. Plus, it didn't startle as easily as the others, and it was approximately 3 to 4 inches with a wing span of about 6 to 8 inches. Amazing!
I always like to see the butterfly exhibit as well. A few years ago, Frema and went with some friends, who took a mighty funny picture of one landing in the middle of someone's posterior who walked around completely unaware of her hitchhiker.
I think that the blue butterfly is the endangered Karner Blue, which is native to the Great Lakes Region. An ex-student and family friend works for the Nature Conservancy and studies the Karner Blue in the Indiana Dunes area. Wonderful pictures, PJ
Actually, it is a Morpho Butterfly - which can be seen on Children's Butterfly site. The Morpho is from South and Central America. It is part of the Brushfoot Family. The Karner grows to only about one inch where this one averages a 7 inch wingspan and has brown markings where the Karner has black.
"The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of books." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), U.S. poet
"No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally (and often far more) worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond." C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), English author
An occasional rating will appear with a book review and these are the explanations. The disclaimer is: These ratings are just my personal opinions and story preferences and not to be taken as some book guru decree.
Turn The Page - Recommended Reading
Turn The Page with Caution - Not A Stellar Read, but if in a pinch...
Shelve It - Not Worth Checking Out
Looking for a Book discussed earlier-Check the Category Archives
With fond memories of years in the library as a kid, I finally indulged myself late in life and earned a Master’s in Library Science with a focus on children’s and electronic services. Of course, this was after about 15 years where I actually used my business degree and “counted beans”, but then remembered I liked books much better, especially children’s literature. In addition, I have spent a few years in an elementary school library after which I put on a read aloud program for 1st through 3rd graders. Here I am offering my knowledge of children’s books and resources to help those looking for something special or just a fun read. Don’t forget to check out the book resources listed for other ideas.
I viewed your brown/blue butterfly photo across my full screen, and it's just beautiful! Thanks for the early morning treat.
I always like to see the butterfly exhibit as well. A few years ago, Frema and went with some friends, who took a mighty funny picture of one landing in the middle of someone's posterior who walked around completely unaware of her hitchhiker.
I think that the blue butterfly is the endangered Karner Blue, which is native to the Great Lakes Region. An ex-student and family friend works for the Nature Conservancy and studies the Karner Blue in the Indiana Dunes area. Wonderful pictures, PJ
Actually, it is a Morpho Butterfly - which can be seen on Children's Butterfly site. The Morpho is from South and Central America. It is part of the Brushfoot Family. The Karner grows to only about one inch where this one averages a 7 inch wingspan and has brown markings where the Karner has black.
In any event, the picture is beautiful. Your Morpho butterflies are adorning my PC screen.
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