Know a wee one that is into bugs? If so, then run to the library and get Ant, ant, ant!: an insect chant by April Pulley Sayre and illustrated by Trip Park. This fun chant is so simple and it teaches the names of a number of different types of insects like slugs, brush-footed butterflies, and various other wiggly and flying critters. It makes for a really good read aloud. The illustrations are nice, but do caricaturize the insects some in funny ways others in a bit more grotesque manner. A definite must for those who have bug interested wee ones in the house.
Another off beat humor book that we found this week was Two Sticks by Orel Protopopescu and illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf. It is about a girl named Maybelle who desperately wants to play the drums. She finds a number of things to “bang” on with her two “drum” sticks. Unfortunately, she is unsuccessful in persuading her parents to get her drums until she happens to bring home some crocodiles she is currently using as a drums.Labels: animals, picture books, read-aloud
Doesn't everyone love bugs?
I had to comment on this one because I love April Pulley Sayre. I attended a writing conference at Ball State in 2004 and sat in on one of her workshops. I also picked up a couple of her books. Luke and I have Trout, Trout, Trout!, One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab, and Noodle Man: Pasta Super Hero. They're all wonderful. It's a shame they don't stock her at Barnes and Noble.
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