Monday, October 02, 2006

Picture Books - My Lucky Day

My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza 2003

If you have kids that like stories that spoof the traditional tales then they will enjoy this story that also makes for a fun read aloud. We have the traditional piglet and then there is a fox wondering what he is going to have to eat next. The piglet “mistakenly” knocks at the door of fox’s home looking for rabbit. Fox takes the opportunity to grab piglet and prepare him for dinner. However, piglet points out a few things to fox that might help him taste better. Fox gets busy by bathing, feeding, and messaging the piglet until he is exhausted. Then a well feed, clean, and relaxed piglet skips on home to plan his next “visit”. The story remained me somewhat of The Tale of the Tricky Fox in that tricking another is the main thread, but in this case the piglet is tricking the usual trickster. This is a fun book to share with preschool through 4th grade, but the younger ones would benefit from the illustrations expressiveness.



Blogger daddy d said...

I like that story because Mr. Smarty fox get out foxed. The under rated little pig proves to be ahead of the big ol' fox.

7:31 PM  

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